Electrically Tunable Multiterminal SQUID-on-Tip


Aviram Uri, Meltzer, Alexander Y. , Anahory, Yonathan , Embon, Lior , Lachman, Ella O. , Halbertal, Dorri , Naren, H. R. , Myasoedov, Yuri , Huber, Martin E. , Young, Andrea F. , and Zeldov, Eli . 2016. “Electrically Tunable Multiterminal Squid-On-Tip”. Nano Letters, 16, 11, Pp. 6910-6915. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02841.


We present a new nanoscale superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) whose interference pattern can be shifted electrically in situ. The device consists of a nanoscale four-terminal four-junction SQUID fabricated at the apex of a sharp pipet using a self-aligned three-step deposition of Pb. In contrast to conventional two-terminal-two-junction SQUIDs that display optimal sensitivity when flux biased to about a quarter of the flux quantum, the additional terminals and junctions allow optimal sensitivity at arbitrary applied flux, thus eliminating the magnetic field ``blind spots''. We demonstrate spin sensitivity of 5 to 8 mu B/Hz(1/2) over a continuous field range of 0 to 0.5 T with promising applications for nanoscale scanning magnetic imaging.